#UjimaKeepTheBeat2 is our second project which has at its core objective raising awareness around blood, organ and stem cell donation in the black community. During this 18-month project, we will be working specifically with young people in the African, Caribbean, Asian and other ethnic communities to raise awareness about the need for blood, organ and blood stem (bone marrow) needs in our communities. We will also be focussing on health and wellbeing in terms of prevention strategies. Our outreach to schools will be centred around the themes included in the National Curriculum and we will be working with a podcast editor, film maker and social media specialist who will engage with young people using their social media platforms in a style that is familiar to them. We will continue with our Peer Educator role and participate in selective community events - particularly where we believe this information has not been shared before. So in summary this is what some of our key activities will be:-
A Podcast Series with young people engaging on the theme of health - specifically blood, organ and blood stem (bone marrow) donation.
Outreach work in schools, universities and youth organisations encouraging young people to air their views. Peer Educators will participate in this activity along with the project coordinator and volunteers.
A competition for young people to pen a poem, or compose a spoken word or musical piece around the theme.
All of our staff will undergo suitable training and it is hoped that the research training will help to gather the evidence needed to advocate for change, as well as identifying tangible solutions.
The programme will raise awareness of social and health issues, bringing perspectives of Black communities and will influence policy-making forums.