Become a Peer Educator - See Job Description below and if you're interested please send your CV and cover letter to

Peer Educators programme 2021 - 2022
#ujimakeepthebeat Peer Educators Job Description X 5 Freelance roles with The Rebel With A Cause (TRWAC) CIC Start date: ASAP.
Contract for up to 8 months. Two days per week for 12 month period@ £87 per day * Do you feel passionate about blood, organ, bone marrow donation within your community? * Would you like to educate your community about the importance of donating? * Are you passionate about creating health change for your city and want to ensure that Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic voices are included in those conversations? * Bring creative and fresh ideas to work? * Want to develop your communication, team-working and research skills? The #ujimakeepthebeat Peer Educators may be the role for you! About the #ujimakeepthtebeat Peer Educators for Bristol Programme #ujimakeepthebeat programme aims to empower and educate the BAME communities to reduce health inequalities and enable bold and inclusive action and decision making across the city, leading towards a fairer blood, organ and bone marrow donation opportunities. This includes supporting the development of programmes of work which drive social equality and a healthy community which is more representative of Bristol’s diverse communities. This programme is funded by the African Health Policy Network, Quartet CF, and NHS BT with additional sponsorship and in-kind support from organisations across Bristol. A report will also be commissioned for this project by our student intern There are many names the Peer Educators come under such as Ambassador, Community Champion, Peer Support. Below are the examples of reports written:- ls-Blood-and-Organ-Donation-Campaign-Publication.pdf ck-Ambassadors-Pilot-Report-2018_Final.pdf About the Peer Educators Role During this 12-month, the five new Peer Educators will receive mentorship and benefit from skills training on topics including research techniques, journalism, facilitation, evaluation and community development. This support will enable the Peer Educators to develop and lead a range of programme activities throughout the year, including: * community-based research projects, supported by academics * community-development online workshops * regular radio shows on Ujima Radio, social media activity and public engagement activities at high-profile city events and festivals (COVID19 dependent) * Contributing to an annual report These activities will enhance leadership development, support Peer educators to frame questions and gather the evidence needed to advocate for change as well as identifying tangible solutions. The programme will raise awareness of social and health issues and inequalities, bringing perspectives of BAME communities and inclusive approaches into citywide decision and policy-making forums. Peer Educators may participate in key city-region forums, meetings and events and speaking opportunities at relevant events locally, regionally and nationally – as well as creating new spaces and platforms for voice and influence.
Key Activities * Pre-planning the show with the researcher, producer etc * Good listening skills * Attending all training allocated to you to ensure high quality deliverance of radio shows and outreach work * Alternating between presenting, researching, editing etc * Attending show review meetings * Attending community-development workshops and projects as and when required * AD HOC duties Who is this Opportunity for? * Do you feel passionate and would like to make a difference to the unresolved problem of the lack of blood, organ and bone marrow donations issues within the BAME communities? * Do you enjoy communicating with different groups? * Do you like to bring creativity and new ideas to your work? * Do you want to develop your decision making, team-working and problem-solving skills? * Would you like to share your experiences of being a living organ/ blood, /bone marrow donors as an opportunity for people to do the same? * Are you computer literate (including being able to use online software such as Microsoft packages)? If this sounds like you, then read below:- The role will begin immediately, lasting up to 8 months. The role will be a freelance contract based on two days work per week at £87 per day.
The role will offer flexibility in terms of working patterns. How do I Apply? Please email the an updated copy of your CV, alongside a cover letter to for your application to be considered. About TRWAC CIC TRWAC CIC was set up on 21st July 2020 with the aim of tackling social and health issues with the African and Caribbean communities. The social and health issues range from:- encouraging and educating the African, Caribbean and Asians to feel comfortable in donating blood, organ and bone marrow (#ujimakeepthebeat) improving and accepting our self-images instead of continue to identify ourselves in colonial perspectives Improving the sustainability of African and Caribbean business structures to bring greater unity to both communities Our first project is the one you are being recruited for called #ujimakeepthebeat